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Genuine Emails Recieved By Iain Lee

Hello You.

As I'm sure you are aware, I have been given the job of trying to save afternoon radio from the doldrums into which it had sank. I do this not for glory, not for the cash (believe me, I'm not doing for the cash!) but I am doing it for YOU!!

However, some people don't appreciate the fact that I have given up my afternoon TV viewing just to entertain them. Some people think I am childish. Some people think we could make the world better if we discussed the bird flu pandemic (it aint gonna happen) and the ruthelss race to find a new tory leader.

Some people are massive twats.

Every day I go into LBC towers and find it a great joy to go through the emails that are sent in by fans. Unfortunately, they're not all as friendly as we were once promised the internet would be.

What follows are some of the genuine complaints I have received at LBC towers and some of my genuine replies unedited. I think you can see why I lost my job in human resources.

lots of love,





fuck off


You have all the wit and acumen of a lobotomised goldfish. Well done. You've just lost another 'nasty' listener.

Sincerely, Leigh. liquidpop@hotmail.co.uk

well, im more intelligent than you.

why are you pretending to be called leigh, when really you're mr. andrew jones?

ha, i win


It's called a 'shared E-mail address' you absurd fool. And thanks for replying
Due to my location at the time of writing I was forced to use this address. Jesus, no wonder Fifi doesn't love you.
Hey, Iain Lee walks into a bar, and the barman says "Why the long face?"
I win.

Sincerely, Leigh (apparently Andrew Jones) liquidpop@hotmail.co.uk

so you say. but why not just get your own address?
because you are indeed the andrew jones.
I thank you


Nice try. I must say it's somewhat heartening to think that an ex-'comedian' that was once on television has sunk to desperately publishing one of my E-mail addresses on his official website in order to somehow affront me and deter attention from the fact that his girlfriend doesn't love him.
You're a massive skid-mark on the pants of society, Iain Lee. Hee hee. I do have another address: shatpank4@hotmail.com
Feel free to issue that, you pitiable, pathetic man.

'Andrew Jones', Lower Highgate.

oh so your shatpank.

Why dont you go away little boy? youre such a nasty piece of work.
I shall no longer reply to you, but i suspect you will create some more email addresses to plague me. what a child



Maybe the reason people that complain to you have bad grammar is that your asinine, juvenile rhetoric attracts 12 year olds, you utter, utter cunt.

Reply to THAT.

Lovingly, James.

Fuck off you cunt


Hi Iain (long text)
Please bear with me since I was provided your office number if I wanted to complain previously when I mailed a fellow presenter who was kind enough to reply personally regarding a problem I'd experienced, at the same time as I was complimenting the way he conducts his show and the airing of messages in order that peoples' points aren't misunderstood when they have spent time and money making a POLITE point. I hadnt want to complain but, after today's unnecessarily personal attacks I have not decided what to do. I haven't before tried to contact your show but, when today, you mentioned not receiving appraisal letters and I was handwriting exactly that at the time which prompted me to tell you so. My comments to another presenter, having noted his care were that 1) Steve aired my true and distinctive surname in error on a monday morning when I hadn't texted/mailed him but had sent my personal details to his previous show under the impression I had won a gadget! I was, of course, surprised then to hear my full name then read out for no reason on that Monday a.m. And 2) when Peter airs mails or texts, although he tries to understand a callers point (Peter, Marcus and Steve being those I regularly tune in to), Peter often reads a few words of a sentence but has a comment to make, interrupts himself and forgets to read out or lose interest in the rest of the sentence. I would have thought any presenter would want to make sense of the message for listeners own sake of not understanding. Unlike others, Peter never suggested re-sending if he didn't understand, as you did much the same today but in a ruder manner. Point is, it's frustrating when not sent "anon" and the sender's name whom others recognise i.e people who actually know each other as well as other listeners who recognise the 1st name and area. After I sent the mail to you today, I heard you read out but when you didn't understand the point, gave up reading the focus, instead remarking on the end of mail (irrelevant to main point and I apologise for spelling and punctuation errors which appeared to throw you) as if I was taking the 'lbc' which I most certainly wasn't. This is unfair representation of someone's good intention. If you don't mind my saying so privately, since you were so very rude to the lady who was trying to explain to you that (sorry, boring for you) the weight of a tonne is the same for whatever you are weighing; i.e 'millions' more feathers to make up a tonne than bricks! So i texted you after you failed to get the point of my mail to say it was a simple maths example but you were extremely rude in not trying to understand what she, others and now me, tried to get through!! It would be better to ask someone to re-mail or to listen properly to the callers point before making them out to be the ones in the wrong (or was that your joke about the particular show when you asked who was brave enough to admit when they are wrong?) If so it was articulated very badly to the listener with childish rudeness and indifference to peoples' feelings. When you get bothered by someone you usually shout rudely and say "shut up" repeatedly to your formerly loyal listeners who are taking time to call and make valid points in efforts to be polite and make intelligent or relevant contributions. In my case I was trying to say that maybe appraisals not sent because LBC mail address not aired or ever heard by myself. I have made many compliments, not offended about the mistake Steve made on the morning I mentioned. But on your show I was shocked and upset because I never send rude messages but you seemed to want me and other intelligent callers to seem like the 'idiots' when it was you who wouldn't understand the maths item! I have noticed that since my comments, Peter has been very careful to read texts properly. I would be interested in your response.


'What the bloody hell are you going on about?'
why have you even written this email? its because you just dont get the show at all, do you. you really dont.

im surprised ive even bothered to reply to you. in fact, i have so much more in my life im going to do what you should have done and gotten on with it. my life that is.

i tell you what. make it easier on me and you and go and listen to bbc london (94.9) - im doing this show for people who get me and the content.

iain x

You don't need to bother attempting to understand my very long, previous mail as you are obviously too uncaring and lazy to want to understand and work out messages beyond a couple of spelling mistakes. Am on a TV system, can't go back to correct. You were so horribly cruel to many messagees on yesterdays shows and only heard a kind word in defence of PD and rightly so. (you were calm about that but not about us faceless listeners. I was actually going to defend PD too but then sent mail as another subject came up and again you were not bothered enough about the point to read it when I missed out the 1st comma. Then of course you only read the bits that made ME sound selfish. It's unfair to air a name if unable to understand the message correctly. I have never had cause to be so upset by anyone else. You weren't as hard on me as to your previous callers. Not sure what's wrong with you. There's a huge difference between you (trying to be funny perhaps?) and eg SA who remarks hilariously about celebs but, you may care to note that he is never rude to normal texters or callers who are polite, my messages to such people are always polite and I get on extremely well with other presenters who take time to read points made and respond calmly when they are unnecessarily abused by some idiot callers. I rarely tune into you as it gives me a physical ear-ache to listen to your shouting and misunderstandings. I hope you start to feel better in yourself about whatever is going on in your head- perhaps you are simply quite young; your immaturity, the selfishness and intolerance of youth not really an excuse in your job. christ only knows. Perhaps anger management or proper broadcast training? You don't appear qualified intelligently to remark on others ooints except when it comes people you know. I doubt your 4-7 can continue without simply the rude callers you want to bitch to and about. It's tedious for anyone normally balanced to hear such unthoughtful cruelty about fellow humans, however faceless they are to you. Good luck anyway in sorting your head out that i, of course if you are bothered to read this far!


god, you dont give up do you.

stop emailing me. you talk nonsense and are stuck in the dark ages.
there, is that clear enough for you. go andf get a bloody life.

iain x

Piss off you bastard, leave me alone.U give up



I win

go away. i dont want rude people like you listening to me. you child

iain x

If it wasn't annoying enough knowing I have to spend the next hour sitting in stationary traffic, I now have to listen to your twittering for the duration.

You my friend, are a total simpleton. If you had half a brain you would be dangerous. Your entire show is made up from winding people up and putting others down, and this in itself shows your limited intelligence.

Do the whole of London a favour and change your career with out delay.

Mark form Erith


Go away. youre a nasty, jealous little man with no life.

change stations and grow up

Iain x

Iain I bet more people that used to listen between 4 and 7 now switch to another station as I have done - and as someone that listens up until 4o'clock I take exception to you intimating that I am an idiot.


Bless you for listening Ruth and thanks again for the kind words.

Man, its frustrating some of these twats that just dont get the show. glad youre too clever for that!

iain x

hi Ian

I would love you to come and clean my house so that whilst you were cleaning the upstairs windows I could push you out - then people wouldn't have to listen to your drivel Monday to Friday.

Regards Ruth


Thats the best yet! thanks a lot.

You hate a radio show so much you'd actually commit murder? Wow, thats tasteless in line with everything thats in the news at the moment. What I do may be drivel (it isnt, but never mind) but at least im not as offensive and insensitive as you.

As for people having to listen, no one does. try bbc london on 94.9 or talksport, which is for idiots.

iain x

Iain Lee. what is it with you?

Stop being such an idiot and listen to yourself for a minute. you don't talk, you sing, you whine, you fucking yodle! the entire tone of yours is so irritating that I cant help myself but switch the station when you're on.

Now, don't blame the messenger, but rather give it some thought. Could you?



Thanks so much for your lovely email. glad youre enjoying the show. ive been getting one or two complaints from people who just dont have the intelligence to get what were doing here. glad youre not one ofthose losers!

thanks again, and keep listening

iain x

I had been tentatively listening to LBC on my long drive home from work. However, I will not become a permanent listener in this time slot as I find your redundant use of 'The' before place names such an irritating affectation.


hey stephanie in the harrow

glad youre enjoying the show! weve had one or two people complaining because they 'dont get it' but i think youll agree with me, THEY ARE LOSERS! (its in capitals because im shouting)

keep on listening and hopefully we can all really make a difference

lots of love

iain x

It's not a matter of not getting it - I do get it IT IS A MISPLACED AFFECTATION. The nebulous 'they' you refer to aren't the losers - you are.

I will certainly not keep listening as long as you maintain this habit - so WE won't be making a difference.


hello again stephanie in the harrow

wow! im honoured. two emails in one morning, you must be a real fan. its always great to get nice emails as iv had so many complaints recently. yes, i know, its hard to believe but some idiots really do not get the humour in the show and take great offence at it! my reckoning is, its just a radio show and if they dont like it, the damn fools should just listen to something else instead of acting like spoilt children and writing or emailing in with their petty complaints.

however stephanie, im glad youre not one of those fools and you get the humour in the show.

god bless you stephanie and all who sail in you!

iain x

You may have got the highest amount of listeners on the Saturday night slot, but how many listerners do you attract now, more? I would question that, before you the show was topical with humour and a serious side, now I listen to the traffic reports and the CD as you are very annoying, you should have a mix of fun and serious chat.

Wake Up! Come on LBC you an do better than this......



you wont believe, but yes. drivetime now gets more listeners than its ever had.

so we lose james! oh well. never mind, i think we'll survive. christ, you cant even send a nasty email to the right address! its iain@lbc.co.uk

all the best, and goodbye

iain x

Hello Iain

I was a avid listener to LBC and enjoyed my drive home. Keeping up with news and current events Now you have come on the scene I have got to go somewhere else. Sometimes you are ok but mostly you are too much. Not sure what you hope to achieve by this programme, and I am sure you will bring in the listeners. But for me (yes I am in my 50s) I will have to go somewhere else for my 45 minute drive home entertainment. I have given you the benefit of the doubt and tried you but sorry mate. Good luck for the future. Hope you make it big time one day as I am sure you have talent and you will replace Dick and Dom in the Bungalow (or wherever they hang out) when they go main stream TV.

So now its Radio 2, Magic or Smooth FM for me. Good Luck

Ian (without that silly "i") from Essex

By the way Clive Bull is great..keep it up mate you may be as good as him one day !

oh go away you nasty, silly, petty bitter man. i really can't be bothered talking to someone as pathetic and downright nasty as you.

if you dont like something, why do you have to send such a rude, personal, nasty email? and what the hell does your age have to do with it? why would you think i'd be interested in the fact youre in your 50's? we get listeners of all ages and to be honest, we aint gonna miss someone as rude as you fella.

good riddance

iain x

cannot believe the poor evening presenters you are getting first Daisy Sampson and now Iain Lee who bad mouths a person for given correct information about the clocks.

If these presenters are aloud to continue I will retune and the decent Steve Allen will lose a listener through no fault of his own.


hey paul

you can stoplistening to iain and then retune back to steve! its not that tricky!

iain x

I work in London and drive from home every day. My drive in is only made bearable by tuning in to Nick from 7.30 - 9.30 - fantastic. However, my journey home is becoming unbearable when listening to Iain Lee!!! I really try and listen for 20mins or so but in the end I have to give up and put something else on.

Iain is probably great during the day but for drive time I want to catch up on news and events that have occured and get the traffic and unfortunatly Iain is not the best presenter for me at that time of the day. Sorry but I may have to go back to Heart!!!!


hey aimee

dont worry, thats fine. enjoy heart

iain x

.....IS A *UNT!

ooh! thats very naughty, isnt it?

iain x


You are the boy who isn't very bright! The show is crap & if you keep going the way you are people are going to switch off in their thousands. We'll see how long you last then! Try introducing some interesting topics for conversation. Anything would be better than listening to you ramble on about NOTHING OF ANY CONSEQUENCE!

Good bye - you are the weakest link! Kind regards,


hello michael

wow! youre angry arent you? firstly, you must remember its only a radio show. go to radio 4 or london live (94.9) if you dont like it and stop sending bad energy via the email

ok, you may be interested to know that lbc has just got its listening figures in for the last 3 months. every show is down. every show. except for 2. peter deeley and mine. my show is way up, so your prediction of me losing thousands of listeners is way off.

oh yeah, you call me the weakest link, but when i was on there, i actually won it! winning 20 grand for charity.

now stop bothering, go back to writing irritating letters to the times and your local council you nasty man!

lots of love

iain x

Hi Iain,

I have to hand it to the management of LBC 97.3. I wouldn't have thought they could have found someone shallower or dimmer than Daisy & then you came along! What a complete waste of space you are.

Did you know that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit? Tried using your grey matter to improve your dismal ratings. If the people running LBC 97.3 have any sense they'll boot you out on your arse soon rather than later.

All hair Daisy - the airhead.

Regards, Mike.

hi mike

im slightly confused. you say something sarcastic about me in your email and then point out that sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. that's a strange thing to do, isn't it? certainly not too bright.

also, your spelling and grammar is appalling! are you 12?

please dont take this personally mike, but you are a very rude person, and certainly not the type of listener i want to attract to this show. we shall not miss you moving to bbc london on 94.9

good bye

iain x

Sorry Iain, but I've listened to you long enough and just don't get you. I thought Paul Ross spoke like an express train, but you go like Eurostar. Why do you gabble so much and do you ever pause for breath? No wonder you sweat so much. This isn't your platform at all but the one at Waterloo is - underneath that Eurostar! Go away and present a children's programme. You remind me of a helium-voiced Chuckle Brother - just so unfunny. Sorry but you're pants.

love Brenda.

hi brenda

wow! you dont mind do you. i do get a bit upset by complaints, but youve used the word that proves your an old fashioned idiot without a sense of humour.

you said 'pants'. christ, are you 12? no, youre stuck in a time warp where jimmy tarbuck, the carla lane sitcom bread and brian conley are funny.

i will not be sad to lose you as a listener, au contraire!

iain x

a stand up comic? dot make me laugh oh no sorry you never did you stupid pathetic little bum boy how did clives winky taste?


it tasted goood!

iain x

Hi ian i wont write iain because its stupid and pertains to things above you! you are almost as irritating as vernon kay and jamie oliver !and i dont know if you remember that terrible man who took over from chriss evans on big breakfast who tried to be one of the lads but just ended up as a washed out has been or never was for that matter ,well you are worse much worse, I cant stand your voice or any part of your radio show you go right through me.I wonder how many of daisys lisners have deserted you PLEASE GO PLEASE GO PLEASE GOPLEASE GO PLEASE GO PLEASE GO PLEASE GO PLEASE GO PLEASE GO MABY YOU COULD BE AN ASSISTANT FOR A PROPPER PRESENTER IN A CLOSED LOOP HOSPITAL RADIO

all you have as fans are little boys and girls?which in itself begs the question........... and some of the most stupid morons in the world"init" you are in my oppinion stealing money from lbc i would love to answer any question you have regarding this email but i fear you are so scared of losing your job it will be lost along with the untold amount you already have sorry about the lie for subject but your such a pratt you would get drawn to such flattery anyway must go son got to find a propper station


i dont get it?

iain x

Hi Iain

Sorry but I'm probably the only Londoner who finds your show insipid, lacking in any content and boring. I had to switch off because I just can't stand the way you refer to places as 'the' the Brixton, the Cockfosters. What is that all about ? Otherwise LBC continues to interest and entertain but not between 4pm and 7 pm


Hi Richard

thanks for your email. dont worry, youre not the only person that finds the show insipid, lacking in any content and boring. loads of people do.

iain x

I switch to radio 4 when lee comes on. Can't stand him.Juvenile,crass. James I open doors for everyone,and adore having them opened for me.Chivalrous men are sexy.


and grumpy women smell of poo.

good day to you nora.



Iain, I am not surprised that no Gay has made a pass at you.

Gays are too discriminating and would not entertain a shallow, vacuous, vapid personality who irritates everyone he comes in contact with You would not be allowed to join!



come on, give us a kiss!


Is this new boy on air at 4 ,please tell me no


yes, i am

iain x

get rid of him



Ian Lee???? Who the hell chose him as a presenter?? Ian lee is the most juvenile moronic presenter I have ever had the misfortune to have listened to. He seems to have a show running for the 9-11 year old age group. This is supposed to be the premier independent London radio station. WHAT A JOKE.

I'd love to see the listener figures for his show since he took over. Are you trying to discourage listeners? You seem to be doing a good job of getting us to switch off. I have gone back to 5 Live on the BBC. It is aimed at people who are post pubescent. Ian Lee. What prat at LBC put him on the air?

hey roy

thanks for the email. unfortunatley we only get our listener figures every 3 months. as this is iains 3rd week, im afraid theyre not in yet!

but to be honest, his weekend show ended up with 10 times (i'll say it again as its pretty impressive TEN TIMES) the number of listeners it had when he took over from boring brian hayes. so, you dont like him and wont be listening? oh well. never mind

iain x

Thought you might be interested to know that as a home worker, I used to listen to LBC from 8:30 - 6 pm every weekday. However, I'm now forced to switch off at 4 pm as I cannot bear to listen to the drivel that is the Ian Lee show. Any more programes like this and I will turn off for good.



we cant lose sue !!!!!

i beg you sue, please dont go.

iain x

ian can not stand your rubbish show any longer i will not listen to lbc any more why is lbc dumbing down?


because we are keen to get rid of dicks like you.

how can you accuse us of dumbing down when :

a) you cant spell my name
b) your use of grammar is piss poor
c) you havent got a clue about punctuation
d) youre a dick

iain x

Iain Lee's style of programme is not appropriate for the drive time slot. At that time of the day, listeners want a summary of the major new events of the day along with some sensible comments and opinions.

I do not like his childish humour, and when he had his evening programme, I often tuned into another radio station in order to listen to some sensible conversation. Steve Allen is wasted being on between 5.00am and 7.00am. He should be on at the weekends, when the quality of programmes is poor. LBC has some excellent presenters: Nick Ferrari, James O' Brien, Sandi Toksvig, David Prever, Clive Bull and Steve Allen. But the rest are quite dull.

Paul Ross has an awful voice to listen to and John Cushing & Kenny Sampson's show is boring. Please make some changes to the weekend schedules and bring back Jenni Eclair, Henry Kelly and Brian Hayes and start making the weekends interesting.


hi jason

firstly, youll be pleased to hear that jenny (it has a 'y') eclair will be back in the new year. secondly, in a recent survey, it turns out most people dont want to hear the news being discussed by boring idiots during the drivetime show. its just losers, mental people and billy no mates who want to hear posh women talking about bird flu. yeah, like they'll be able to stop it and stuff! that's crazy.

no, most people who have girlfriends like to have a good laugh. so there

iain x

Iain Should go immediately - I no longer listen to LBC 97.3 between 4 and 7 . I cannot stand listening to his drivel!!!!! He has the art of dumbing down to a perfection


Hello Shirley. thanks for your email. its a shame you dont like iain lee.

im afraid to say that if you dont like iain, we are going to have to ask you to stop listening to the whole station as we dont like you very much. it will be a shame to lose you, but oh well, stuff happens


the boss x

First of all 'Diddly Diddley Just a Ticky' disappeared and then Daisy - both times after I had just got back from holiday so I know not why and I loved them both. Now you have this person on at 400 who, although probably a very nice guy, just does not 'cut it' for me - he is just naff. Why do you people always gravitate downwards? Sorry I am switching over now.

P Stevenson.

400? what? im not on at 400. what does that mean. we shall miss you p stevenson, we really shall

iain x

To Programme Controller

Thanks for making me tune to rival radio station between the hours of 4-7pm I thought the general idea was to gain audience share not loose it. Is this the first step in 'dumbing down' LBC 97.3FM ???


you spelt lose wrong! what does 'loose it' mean?

dumbed down? it would appear that my show is too intelligent for you!

iain x

Iain - I agree with Ralph Listening to the debates on current issues is informative and a good way to catch up with the news on the way home in the car. All i'm hearing now is a blurry noise and its usually because you're talking fast and rambling about a load of ol' rubbish. Another time of day was generous from Ralp. Sorry Iain - I've been listening to LBC for years during drive time, but i'm on the verge of leaving....



dont be on the verge, please.


iain x

Sorry Matey,I have tried giving your 4-7 radio show a chance over the last few weeks,but I have found it to be pure unadulterated juvenile drivel .It is as funny as a toothache and slightly more intersting than watching paint dry.The guy who gave you a years contract in the very important"Drive Time slot, should be made to apologise to the listeners for insulting our intelligence , and then be fired ,or at least be sent on a course, possibly entitled "How to Make Good Radio Shows for ADULT LISTENERS. You might do well to join him.

I suggest that you take some time out to listen to some back recordings of the experts, like Henry Kelly, or Daisy Sampson or Allison Bell,and try to learn how it should be done`, ie with a mixture of gravitas .light heartedness` and intelligent good humour.Their style and programme content made the boring and stressful drive home after a hard days work quite pleasurable , Yours just makes the journey seem twice as long, twice as boring and even adds to the stress.

Sadly, L.B.C. 97.3 and myself , will be parting company for the next year ,at least for the Drive Time slot .I may tune in again in a few months time just to see if you have improved ,or preferably moved back to childrens radio.I do happen to think that you could make a good childrens presenter.

I wish you well when you find your correct niche in life ,but be assured ,at the moment it is not in Adult Radio .

All the best
From an Ex Listener

Les Clarke (2)

hey les

sorry youre not enjoying the show. the one thing ive noticed is that the people who complain are the rudest, nastiest people ive ever heard! to be honest, its no great loss to lose you as you sound like a very nasty man who doesnt even have the guts to sign his email, thinking he's all big and tough by calling himself an ex listener but isnt intelligent enough to realise his name pops up in the email adress. to make matters worse, you're not even the original les clarke, youre the second les clarke! lesclarke2 no less. i dont want to talk to you, i want the first les clarke.

id rather you didnt listen back in a couple of months, because lesclarke2, my mission from now on is to make a show that YOU will not like. i shall not sleep until it is the complete antithises of what you consider to be good, adult broadcasting. then i know i will have achieved my goal.

now go away you pathetic little man and stop bothering me with your childish, ridiculous emails. like the boss of LBC is going to sack me just because LES CLARKE (2) is a little bit upset and preferred Henry Kelly. man, if you knew what a joke that would make you in the lbc office.

goodbye les, i hope you enjoy the bigoted racist rants of talksport

lots of love

iain x

wow and now i just think your a retard! yes i read his email, wow he spelt channel wrong, that was so stupid of him, not...oooo iain cant think of a comeback....iains a retard.iain cant think of a comeback....iains a retard.iain cant think of a comeback....iains a retard. by the way this was his email,

iain i have been a loyal listener of lbc for many years and have enjoyed many an intelligent and lively debate on my way to work. alas it is no more i now turn to another chanel the moment i hear your sub-human moronic tones bring back henry kelly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now try reading that to a nine year old and get there opinion on it! bet the dont know what it means and now i come to read you reply i think maybe you dont either.


hey sam

calm down dude it was a joke! you and your family need to chill out.

iain x

ps and learn to spell and not be so rude!

It's the socio economic rating of advertising audiences: ABC1s are the high disposable income consumers. C2DE is the bottom end of the scale (down to tramps, vagrants and those with low achievement -rather like Sun & Sunday Sport readers and people who listen to your programme!) LBC gambles on getting the right audience mix at the times advertisers want. You had better learn it! Bring back Daisy Sampson I say!


hey kelvin

what does c2de mean? otherwise, i give your complaint just 6 out of 10, sorry. very poor!

Iain x

Certainly not enjoying the show! I'm somewhat disabled and it isn't always easy to change the radio to radio 4 - and then back to LBC in the morning and at night. Don't you have ambitions elsewhere, so that adult listeners can revert to enjoying LBC?



my mother is severly disabled and wheelchair bound. she uses remote controls to change the station to radio 4 when i come on. hope that helps.

iain x

If yesterday was blokey day and today is girly day, when are we going to have a real grown-up day? Such a shame that you are contributing to dumbing down of lbc - especially at tea time when many drivers are listening. Fortunately radio 4 is not bad between 4 and 7. I just have to buy a DAB radio with presets for every room in the house, to enable me to escape from your rubbish. Having told everyone not to bother washing their hands after going to the loo,I suppose your next gambit will be telling people - not to look before crossing the road? Or not using condoms ? - a similar stupidity. I am really surprised your parents let you out alone and shocked that lbc seem to think you are employable.


hello helen

well, considering you're so grown up, i'm surprised at how rude and childish you are! shame on you. only joking, glad youre enjoying the show - and i KNOW you'll keep listening.

lots of love

iain x

ps you said condom!

It would be evn better if you didn't dumb down the show so much - then we wouldn't have to change the programme when you come on. You said today that news etc was boring - but Daisy wasn't boring!


hi helen

dumbing dow? ts not me who starts an email with 'but'!

anyway, it's not dumbing down, its just different. thats all. things change i'm afaraid, and lbc arent going to keep daisy sampson just so helen jones doesnt have to change the station. sorry.

also, i used to listen to daisy and it was dire. and without giving too much away, she had so few listeners (approx 30,000 - which in the world of radio isnt much at all) that i think most of london agrees with me on this one

thanks for the email

iain x

Dear Iain

I am interested to know who your target audience is? I listen to Nick Ferrari on the way to work and absolutely love his programme, however, in the past few weeks on my way home from work I have turned the radio off as I find your programe frivolous. I did previously listen to LBC at this time when it was the lady presenter and previously when it was the Irish presenter.

yours Valerie

hello valerie
you use the word frivolous as though its a bad thing? i take it as a great compliment. my target audience is those who enjoy fun, laughter and just messing around and honestly couldn't care less how long ian huntley stays in prison mor how wide the congestion charge is.

lots of love

iain x

I was hoping that the new presenter of the 4-7 pm slot was a joke but sadly realise that LBC wants to revive the old BBC Children's Hour and I wish you luck.

Do you really believe that the teen-twenty audience to whom this level of programme is aimed at will be listening at that time?

Surely the "drive time show needs to have a little more substance, but as there are other radio stations available all I need do is to switch across . Your other daytime presenters are certainly of a higher calibre than Mr. Leah.

Regards, Mel

hello grumpy bum!

you put quotation marks before the word drive but then you never closed them! just a warning, as it means you are still quoting something, it could get confusing.

anyway, its a shame to lose a listener, but i think we'll survive.


As a loyal listerer to LBC I am appalled that you allow Ian Lee on air at prime time. He is neither entertaining or interesting and fit only for listeners with a mental age of ten. My drive home has been ruined and I immediately have to switch to another radio station.

He is a total waste of space - why does such a great station lower its standards? If you must inflict him on your listeners, put him on in the middle of the night.

Let's have Steve Allen at 4pm and get rid of that twit or bring back Henry Kelly. I have never heard so many people complaint about LBC before and I know all my colleagues have also switched stations because we can't bear that guy!


Fun, frivolous, mindless chat and conversation is fine at 1am but 4-7pm is more of a light-hearted/information/news slot....

Why on earth have you given Iain this programme? Incidentally, are you aware he regularly boasts that he has a 1 year contract and that he's there for the duration even if the listening numbers reduce to zero - nice!

I wish you'd promote David Prever.....

Regards DavidUk

I have listened to this idiot for the last 3 evenings - no more. How on earth did this plonker ever get a job in Radio!! - his programme seems to be just a random series of babblings.

Fortunately next week Danny Baker will be back on air on Radio London, so at least I'll have something decent to listen to then!



Thanks Iain-Lee.co.uk